Thursday, 25 October 2012

What Has Made Me Cheerful This Week?

I believe, weeks where you may struggle - for whatever reason be it emotionally, physically, because you are under the weather - whatever, it is all the more important to sit and have a think about the positives that have happened during the week.

I have had a bit of a low spell of late so it has done me good thinking about the good going on in our life.  So linking up with Michelle from 'Mummy from the Heart' here are my 

* The Hubby went for an interview this week and got offered a role.  If he does well in the first few months, fingers crossed, he'll be made permanent by Christmas.  This is a massive relief, and if he does get the go-ahead at Christmas, that will be an even bigger one.

* Another relief for our family is that my sister in law has finally had an operation she has been waiting two years for.  My sister in law suffered with a very rare condition during pregnancy called Gigantomastia (severe hyptrophy of the breasts - basically this meant that from when she fell pregnant her breasts did not stop growing) which left her requiring massive reconstructive surgery.  She has now had the surgery and begins her healing period, hopefully this will be an end to what has been a traumatic and uncomfortable couple of years.

* The weekend of the BUPA Great South Run is almost here.  My parents are looking after the children so that the Hubby and I can go to Portsmouth on our own.  Three child-free nights sleep lie ahead (might be disrupted by The Hubby's snoring but I will have to dig out my ear plugs).  Two nights in a lovely hotel, just the two of us in the lovely old Naval town.  The run is on Sunday (and I believe is being aired on Channel 5) so not only do we get a break but I get to experience a big race too.  We are also hoping to be able to catch up with my cousin in Southampton who just recently got engaged.

* J2, although being a little under the weather this week has been really rather amicable and I have managed to get some writing done.  In fact the next instalment of Camomile Crescent is written which gives me good opportunity to edit and re-work it - almost unheard of.  It has also meant I have been able to get some house work and ironing done here and there which all helps with feeling more in control.

* I have managed to get a date in the diary to see two of the girls (both expecting babies at the end of the year) who I used to work with.  We hardly get to meet up due to work and they live quite a distance from where I do, but with them both going on Maternity Leave soon it has been made possible.  Roll on November.

* J2 and I did some more baking from Jo Wheatley's 'Passion for Baking' book.  We tried out the Oat and Raisin cookies.  All I can say is we had better not make them too often or I am going to be the size of a house because they are so unbelievably delicious.  Even the first batch that I over-baked, although crunchy instead of chewy still have an amazing flavour.  All bow down to Jo.

* I was published as a guest post on the Pregnancy and Parenting website Wriggly Rascals this week.  Click here to see my post about Messy Play.

If you need more inspiration to make you think of your positives, hop over to the Reasons to be Cheerful blog hop.


  1. Loads of great news. Have fun this weekend and good luck!

    1. Thank you! I hope the weather improves a little - mind you I have run in worse!

  2. Really great reasons, have a lovely weekend. Xx

    1. Many thanks GG. Had more to be cheerful about than I thought when I sat down and gave it some consideration!

  3. Lovely reasons to be cheerful :)
    Have a good weekend. x

  4. Hey Lynsey! Really glad to her about Hubby - fingers crossed - it's always good to have more financial security over your roof. Also very pleased to hear the operation went ahead with your sister in law - she must have had a really, really hard time with that condition - how awful. Best of luck at the Great South Run, and for having your guest post published - are you going to do a page for your published pieces and add links to them? X.

    1. Thanks OM! Yes the Hubby getting a job really was a big stress reliever. My sister in law is still in hospital at the moment, I think she'll be in for about another three days. We get to have my nephew for a few days next week so she can have peace and quiet at home for the first couple of days at least. It really was a dreadful condition to get. I had never ever heard of it before and obviously the repercussions of it have been huge (in every sense of the word). I hadn't thought of doing a published page but it is a great idea and I certainly will! Thank you!x

  5. Lovely reasons - well done to your OH! Enjoy Portsmouth - I lived there for three years, and really miss witnessing the run.

    1. Thanks I am looking forward to it. I haven't been to Portsmouth since I was a teenager so also planning to go and have a look at the Naval ships on Saturday, as I remember really enjoying those.

  6. Lots of wonderful reasons to be cheerful! Fingers crossed for your hubby x

  7. Hello. I am visiting you via the blog hop! My sister lives near Winchester and we always go Southampton and Portsmouth when I go to stay with her! Enjoy your time away without kids!

  8. Wow a wonderful write up, all the best to you SIL, that sounds very traumatic for her.

    Have a great time in Pompei!

    Mich x


I would love for you to quack your thoughts along with me and will always try and quack right back.