Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Lynsey The Mother Duck is Going to Brit Mums Live 2013

I am not one for doing things last minute, but for some reason I have not pulled myself together very quickly for the epic Brit Mums Live event which will be here at the end of this week.  So today I got up early to start sorting for it and now I am feeling a little more organised.

So without further ado, here is my introduction post ...

Name : Lynsey

Blog: Lynsey The Mother Duck

Twitter ID: @lynseymummaduck

Height: 5'5" (but wearing heels so about 5'7" - until they hurt then back to 5'5")

Hair: Long and blonde.  Technically it should be straight but with the sniff of humidity it goes a bit like Monica's out of Friends when they go to Barbados...

Eyes: Mostly tired.  Oh, and blue.

Is this your first blogging conference? No I came along to Brit Mums Live last year and it was fab.

Are you attending both days? Yes, some time to focus solely on writing can not be missed

What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2013? Catching up with friends made at last years conference and meeting even more amazing bloggers.  The WRITE sessions.

What are you wearing? Lemon skinny jeans, black top, black jacket (Friday).  Dark blue skinny jeans, USA Flag top (Saturday)

What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2013? Well last year I gained weight as the food was so yummy, so apart from that - some mojo inspiration which has been lacking of late.

Tell us one thing about you that not everyone knows. My guilty pleasure is watching the Biggest Loser shows - I find them very motivational!

Me :

Friday, 14 June 2013

Coming Soon...

A series of Disability Diaries posts looking at travelling to Florida, USA with a disabled child.

Featuring.... This cool dude

This little monster

These awesome guys

And...this crazy lady!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Lost - One MoJo

It seems strange to me, that I am struggling to find the inspiration to sit down and write.  Through all tough or hard times before I have found that writing has stayed a constant source of comfort.  I suppose sometimes things get so stressful, the flame to do anything gets put out.

That is the scary thing.  When you get that feeling that you can't be bothered to do anything.  Go to the shops; take the children to the park; take any exercise; write.  I have been there before and have no desire to visit again, so I am finding it unnerving that I seem to be on that very train to that undesirable destination.

The shining light.  That feeling isn't all day, everyday.  Like today for instant.  I have been out with one of my oldest friends for her wedding dress fitting.  And for a couple of hours everything seemed 'normal'.  My heart didn't feel heavy in my body.  My eyes didn't feel tired in their sockets.

I know life is hard for many people right now.  It is sad to know, but also comforting - to know I am not the only one feeling like they are drowning in the hum drum of life as an adult.  I have many precious gifts, my Husband, my children, my family.  In that respect I am blessed.  But we are blighted by the economy and have been hit hard to the point of every piece of security we have ever had being a hares breath away from being ripped from under us.

That is hard to live with on a daily basis.  It starts to make you feel anxious.  This leads to a whole host of rather unwanted side effects but I suppose it is a blessing that I was aware they were happening and could take steps to try and tackle them.  But it is a slow process.  Some days are more productive than others.  I crave the productive days.  The ones where I see a glimmer of the person I used to be.  I can feel myself reaching out my arms and screaming for her to take back over - but at the moment she seems just out of reach and I am struggling to find the energy to fight for her.

I want to feel the passion to sit down and write.

I want to feel the desire to push a career in writing.

I want to feel the pride of keeping a lovely home.

I want to feel the joy of entertaining the children.

I want to be a good wife - the women who used to laugh.

But it is a struggle at the moment.  My head is so full of stress and confusion sometimes I feel I can not string a sentence together.  I always had moments like that before, but moments was all they were.  Now I would like to open the top of my head and shake out the excess, so I can think straight.

I guess that is what counsellors are for.

So what is the point of this post?  I remembered that when I used to write, I did it to clear my head.  I think there is too much going on in it at the moment for that to work but you know, nothing ventured and all of that.  I used to fit blogging into my routine.  Now I don't feel I have a routine.  A search for clarity.  Most certainly.  I have been searching for that since I have been MIA from the blogging world.  Maybe I will find it here.  I can tell myself that everything will work out.  And almost believe it.

I can apologise to The Hubby and my children for being such a snappy mardi-arse.  I can say I am sorry and I am trying to work my way through it.

I can continue the search for me.

I can try and resume normal service.

I can hope.