Wednesday, 31 August 2011

The Kids, The Hubby and Me

A few friends have kindly suggested that I should perhaps do a blog with a little information (in an anonomous way of course) about those mentioned and written about in my blogs, namely my family and I.  They suggested that this may engage people a little more.  So here goes, this is a little character building blog about me and mine.

Me : Firstly there is 'Me' otherwise known as (yes you've guessed it) Lynsey (The Mother Duck).  A thirty something stay at home mum, who probably has more creativity in her than patience!  I have two gorgeous boys (J1 and J2 - I'll come on to them later in their very own little synopsis) who like any children run me ragged.  I am also a newly wed, to a fantastic man. 

I haven't always been a stay at home mum, no-no, this is all relatively new to me.  Prior to being a SAHM, I was a single mum and Head of Administration in a Interiors Fit Out company in London, all very fun while I had the energy to do it and only one child to sort out child care for.  After meeting my hubby and deciding to have a second baby, redundancy hit the city of Londres and I left the 'Big City' for seaside life and full time mother-dom.

Becoming a SAHM has taken a fair bit of adjusting to, and to be honest I had quite a gentle introduction into the world of being a full time mum.  I was pregnant with my second child, so just toted him around wherever I wanted to go with no fuss, no bother, no buggy, no baby bag, no bottle or toy - you know the jig - while my eldest was at school.  I was spoilt for time to myself and obviously realise now how I should have appreciated it just that little bit more, but having come from doing 12 hour days (including commute) and evenings and weekends with my son I just didn't know what to do with it, and found myself spending the first few days at the laptop because that was what I was used to doing at work.  

Being an administrator with that most annoying 'got to be organised' (lists, lists everywhere) trait, I decided I had to have a structured day, with all baby appointments dutifully put in the diary / on calendar / on outlook calendar, I set about filling up my time with lunch appointments, baby preparation and ... dom dom dom... crafts (I believe I actually handmade all my Christmas cards that year - oh to have the time to even write the pre-bought ones this year!)

Then as the pregnancy continued, the belly swelled and the sleepiness hit, most days 1pm - 2.50pm was nap time, where I was rudely awakened by the alarm notifying me to go and collect my son from school.  Then D - Day hit, J2 entered our lives and spare time has never existed since! 

I feel very fortunate at being in a position with my husband and family that I can be a SAHM, I didn't have that opportunity with my first baby and now I realise just what I missed out on.  As posted in my previous blog 'Just for the record' yes some days can be tiring and exhausting and frustrating, but they are still amazing days and I am thankful for everyone of them.

I have adjusted to life as a SAHM and realise that as well as being mummy and wife, I can also do a few other things of my own (they are last in the queue but I am learning to fit them in - like blogging!) so I am slowly finding a happy balance to feel a bit more all round satisfied with the day which makes me a bit less of a grumpy pants on days I feel I have done as much nappy changing, snack making, toy clearing as I can take.  A bit of me time I think they call it. 

Hubby : Hubby likes his privacy and anonominity, so we'll just say that he is also a thirty something newly wed, and a man who is amazing, hard working and could not be more dedicated to his family than he already is.  I love him and everything he stands for.

J1 : My first wonderful little boy who is 7.  J1 was born 8 weeks premature and as a consequence of a traumatic birth suffered brain damage and has been diagnosed with quadrapelgic cerebral palsy.  This basically means it affects all four of his limbs and his torso.  He can not walk or sit unaided, and is quite severely physically disabled, but since starting a amazing school has started to talk (sometimes he does not stop!) and can eat (and does heartily!).  J1 is quite passive in nature but cheeky to boot, he has hearing that is second to known (a.k.a doesn't miss a thing) but can get quite obsessive over things.

J2 : My second wonderful little boy who is 18 months.  Thankfully I went full term and he was born perfectly healthy.  He is such a large and colourful character with enough gusto to start a hurricane.  Strong in will and with a bucketful of stubborness J2 is the pinnicle of independence, but with this trait comes frustration and J2 is currently going through a phase of letting out a blood curling scream when he can't do something (apologies to the neighbours!).  He is developing at a rate of knots and he makes everyday a wonder and thing of amazement.  He is the most energetic toddler I know, and he reminds me of the energiser bunny, just keeps going and going and going, until he literally falls asleep playing (or being tinker).

So that is us.  That is what I write about and refer too in my little anetdotes, I hope this little insight will be helpful to anyone that gives my writing some time out of their day.  As always I only write with the hope of raising a smile and maybe making someone think, 'so glad it's not just me - that makes me feel better'!

1 comment:

  1. My dear friend x you made me smile :-))
    Great again xx


I would love for you to quack your thoughts along with me and will always try and quack right back.